Friday, March 24, 2006

Welcome to the world, Baby Adam

I don't even know where to begin! This past week has been the most wild and rewarding ride of my life. It's hard to believe that our little man was born a week ago (and some change) already. They aren't kidding when they say that time flies when it comes to your children. I just keep staring at Adam so that I don't miss a minute.

This post has the potential to be long, so I'll split it up so you can skip parts as needed. :-)


Well, I suppose I could start with last Wednesday -- the day after I said here that I was sure I'd be pregnant forever. I actually woke up with contractions quite close together (though I wasn't timing them) early in the morning, but I wasn't positive that that's what I was feeling. I walked around, felt great, and decided I would go to my yoga class. I continued to feel contractions throughout class, but I brushed them off as they were neither regular nor severe. I came home, ate a snack, and went to pick up Miss A from school around 12:15 because it was an early dismissal day. Exhausted and a little uncomfortable, J and I thought it'd be best if I picked him up then so he could take the car and I wouldn't have to worry about driving later in the evening. As I was driving, I noticed that the surges that I'd been feeling were about five minutes apart. Even though I was four days overdue, I was in denial that this could be the real thing. After all, at my doctor's visit the day before I was still not dilated at all. I continued to time them all the way to J's job -- still every five minutes. On the way home, every five minutes. But they were so bearable that I still thought, "No way." J was dancing around, getting excited ... I was still in denial.

I timed the surges sporadically. I drank water, laid down and at one point I even filled out my NCAA bracket (which might explain why it looks the way it does right now!). Instead of going back to work, J decided that, in light of the contractions I was blowing off, he should probably stay. I called my mom, who was on standby to hop a plane as soon as she got word. I was still unconvinced, but she and J urged me to call the doctor's office to confirm whether I was having real contractions. I finally called around 3:45 p.m. and they told me to come in -- immediately!

The three of us left the house with our overnight bags, just in case. The doctor checked -- I was definitely feeling contractions, my water had started to break and I was finally 1 cm dilated. He sent me to the hospital -- straight to the hospital; do not pass Go; do not collect $200. We were definitely going to have a baby. But, we still had Miss A in tow! So, instead of going to the hospital just a couple blocks away from the doctor's office, we first battled rush hour traffic to meet up with the family who'd be taking care of her. We also called my mom to tell her to get on a plane and get ready to meet her grandbaby. It was finally starting to hit me.

By the time we made it back to the hospital, a staff member told us that the doctor's office had already called to see if we'd made it. LOL. We were quickly admitted and assigned a room. It was so surreal. I walked around, rested, loaded up on water. The surges were still quite mild and they weren't doing much to really get labor going.

Kick start

We were watching the American Idol results show by the time the doctor came to check on me. He was the third doctor I'd seen that week since my doctor was on vacation and he just so happened to be one I hadn't met yet. I was trying to pay attention to what he was saying, but Stevie Wonder was performing on the results show and there was a certain contestant I really wanted to get kicked off! (He went home this week instead.) Anyway, Dr. T helped move labor along and I finally started to really feel the contractions. J and I walked around the hospital some more.


This is getting long, so to make it short(er), at about 2:00 a.m. I happily accepted the dreaded epidural that I'd previously sworn off. It helped me sleep off the long day that I'd had and let my body finish doing its work. Besides, we knew we were in for a long night.

I had to lie on my left side for most of the night because the baby's cord seemed to be getting clamped with each contraction in any other position. As J tells it, there were some nerve-racking moments, but alhamdulliah, the baby was OK. By 9:00 a.m., I was finally fully dilated and the doctor gave me the go-ahead to push. I was so excited! Also, I knew my mom was landing any minute and there was a chance she'd be there in time for the birth.

Despite the epidural, I could feel all of the pressure of the baby's head and I was able to push with what Dr. T and the nurse called "tremendous effort." However, after three hours, the baby hadn't budged. At all. Knowing that I really wanted a normal birth, the doc and the nurse encouraged me to keep pushing if I wanted to, but they started hinting at the "C" word. I asked J to call his frat brother who's an OB just to get a second opinion, and as I suspected, he agreed. He said that if the baby hadn't moved by then, it probably wasn't going to happen. He also said that I'd be surprised at how quick the recovery would be. I could push if I wanted to, but ...

So, I shed a few silent tears and then decided it was time to meet our baby. The nurses prepped me so quickly and the OR was ready to go before we were. I was wheeled down the hall and lifted onto the table. A bunch of friendly eyes peered out of surgical masks and muffled voices introduced themselves and said what role they would play in the operation. I was doped up, the drape was lifted and J was brought in. At 12:49, the most beautiful little conehead I'd ever seen was held over the drape for me to see. J finally was able to release the secret he'd been keeping since Week 20, "It's a boy," he said. Then he proceeded to repeat, "He's a monster. He's a monster!" It was because of the baby's size, and he did look big. I heard little Adam's lungs working in perfect order as he cried over the hustle and bustle of the OR. I heard J quietly recite the Adhan (call to prayer) to the baby. And I heard Dr. T and the rest of the staff talk amongst themselves. I couldn't see anything.

Finally, J brought our son over to me, a few pictures were snapped, I kissed the baby on the forehead and they were whisked off to the nursery.

I sort of dozed off as I was put back together, but I could still hear the doctors and nurses chattering. At one point, they took a poll guessing how big Little A was. After I was all stitched up, they recalled their guesses as one nurse called the nursery to see who was closest. "8 lbs 1 oz," she announced. Dr. T was high by 7 oz and I was still in shock that such a big boy had been living inside of me. (Explains the intermittent back pain!)


I was stuck in the recovery room for at least an hour, but it seemed like an eternity since I couldn't talk to J or see the baby. The nurse at my side was friendly and told me how she fell in love all over again with each of her three sons. I am definitely starting to understand what she meant.

The three nights in the hospital were the most physically demanding I've ever known. I was scared about not being able to move around much and doing so with pain when I did. But the nurses were awesome, though the clear-liquids-only diet was not, and J and my mom took shifts to stay with me and Little A. We were kept entertained by the NCAA tournament and the hospital's very informative baby channel. It was great "rooming-in" with the baby; it was a nice chance to bond under the care and supervision of knowledgeable hospital staff. I was so excited and nervous to go home, but it was a relief to get out of that building and be somewhere more familiar.

Home at last

Each day is getting better and I think I'm slowly getting the hang of this mommy thing. J is the pro I knew he would be. I couldn't have asked for a better labor coach. He kept his cool and kept me calm, focused and encouraged. Now that Adam is here, it is a blessing to see J interact with his son. He is so patient and gentle. Of course, he is still trying to do too much and be Superman, but that's what makes him even more special. He always goes above and beyond. I don't want to get ahead of ourselves, but seeing them together now really makes me excited about watching Adam grow up with such a great father, insha'Allah. Little A also has a great big sister who has been more patient and understanding than we could ever have asked for. Sometimes it's hard to remember that she is only six because she can be wise beyond her years. We don't give her the credit she deserves often enough. She is very loving and always shows her concern for my recovery and for the baby. And what can I say about my mom? I don't know what we would have done without her help. My recovery is taking longer than we'd anticipated because of the c-section. Her presence has been invaluable.

We're all just taking it one day at a time and adjusting to our new life. I'm getting sort of Miss America-ish with my acknowledgements here, so I'll wrap it up. I just want to thank everyone for their love, well-wishes, words of encouragement and prayers. They mean more to us than you'll ever know. Little Tater has graduated to the world outside and he is thriving, alhamdullilah.

Read more here ...

Checking in

I'm in the midst of writing an epic-length post, but I'm getting sleepy so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. In the meantime here's a picture for your viewing pleasure. :-)

Sending our thanks westward

Late last month, my dad was called into a meeting by some of the members of his staff. But to his surprise, and mine, it wasn't a meeting at all. They threw him a Grandfather's Shower and loaded him up with baby stuff!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part in this special surprise. We just can't express how appreciative we are to all of the admissions office for thinking of the new grandpapa and our family and for blessing us with your generosity! I can't imagine how thrilled he must have been to be remembered like this. I'd been waiting for pictures to share before I posted, and now I have them. There are a few here, and be sure to check out our album for even more.

Monday, March 20, 2006


Hi all! Mommy is very, very tired, but she wanted to post some pictures of her growing boy! We are all doing very well. Thank you so much for all of the prayers and well wishes. I promise I will update soon with the details. But, for now, I'm going to catch up on some rest while I can.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Finally, a baby!

Alhumdulillah, Allahu Ar-Razzaq, Al Khaliq (Praise God, God the Provider, the Creator) has bestowed on us a healthy baby boy. We are happy to announce the birth of our son and baby brother, Adam Yusuf. He was born at 12:49 pm, March 16, 2006. He weighed 8 lbs 1 oz and was 21 inches long. It is eerie, he looks just like K's maternal grandmother. Thanks so much for the prayers and good wishes throughout this journey.

As you mothers know, labor is rarely an uncomplicated process. We had some tough moments, but baby and Mom are doing great. I will leave it to K to give a more detailed description later if she likes. She has done such a good job expressing our prayers, hopes and frustrations throughout I dont want to interrupt the flow.
This picture was taken about 5 minutes after delivery. We will post more pictures soon God willing.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

We're here!

We finally checked into the hospital at about 5:00 pm today! K has been feeling contractions since ~5 am. The doctor advised us to go to the hospital once they could be felt for one hour at 5 minute intervals. However, Mrs. Abiade decided to endure ~5 hours of contractions 4-6 minutes apart! Keep us in your prayers. Insha'Allah (God Willing) we will have a bouncing baby boy or girl in the morning.


Tuesday, March 14, 2006

It's official

Yup. I'm going to be pregnant for the rest of my life. I'm going to be taking Tater to kindergarten in my belly. I'm convinced.

So, yeah, we had another doctor's appointment today and the full moon is tonight and there no sign that Mr. or Miss Tater wants to join us out here yet. S/he is chillin'. Actually, s/he is dancing in my pelvis ... but baby seems to be quite comfortable in there. The full moon didn't even work in our favor tonight. (Not yet anyway!)

Get this: the ultrasound estimate puts the baby at 8lbs 8oz!!! Can you imagine? It almost made me reconsider waiting this thing out! But, I've read that the later ultrasounds can be less accurate, so we shall see.

But seriously, the baby looks healthy, thank God, and we are super happy about that! There is plenty of fluid to support baby and it seems that we can make it until next Saturday if we need to. I'm still going to be out walking like there's no tomorrow though. I'm am going out of my mind with eagerness, but I'm trying to be patient and accept that this is completely out of our hands!

Further, I've decided that "due dates" should be banned. I mean, how many moms give birth on the actual due date? They should give you a range, like, "You can expect to give birth sometime in 2006." That way there is no disappointment as each day past the due date comes and goes. OK, maybe just giving a year would be too broad, but it might make sense to say "sometime in mid- to late-March." I could handle that. So, our due date is no longer March 11. Our expected time of delivery is sometime this month, insha'Allah. How about that?!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Wasteful baby

OK, so I'm still waiting. In the meantime, I've been giving a lot of thought to how another human -- no matter how small -- can have a really big and really negative impact on our environment. :-( According to the Sierra Club, one American consumes as much energy as:

- 2.1 Germans
- 12.1 Columbians
- 28.9 Indians
- 127 Haitians
- 395 Ethiopians

I believe it. The temperature crept toward 80 degrees today and I rushed to blast the A/C! I'm sure that even our new little American will outdo most of his/her global counterparts in the consumption department, despite our best efforts. Our lifestyle just makes us so numb to how much energy and how many resources we use.

All of the baby books say that a newborn can use 10-12 diapers in ONE day! That's as many as 372 in one month. 372!!!!!!!!!!! Can you imagine how much plastic and cotton that is?!?!?! What'ts more, most of these disposable diapers have these special gels that do wonders locking away wetness from baby, but they also do wonders preserving baby's #1s and #2s for decades and decades! I don't know ... the idea of my child's waste still being locked up in little diaper nuggets in some landfill when my great-great-granchildren are alive is a little unsettling. :-( Even the environmentally friendly brand Seventh Generation makes diapers that seal away and preserve. (Their environmental angle is their chlorine-free status.)

Of course, there is always cloth diapering, but you still have to consider the amount of water waste and the amount of laundry detergent that will end up in rivers and streams. What's a mommy to do? I know it's silly, but the diapering issue is really weighing on me. I guess I'll chalk it up to that liberal California upbringing I had! LOL

Well, there are always these cool flushable diapers -- even though they are nearly a meeeelion dollars! Gah! I'm definitely going to try them when I get to Cali, though, even if I can only afford a week's worth!

Well, there's full moon tomorrow, so send us some labor vibes! Ha ha! Until then, I'll be calculating the environmental impact of wipes, diapers, detergent, baby clothes, bibs, cotton balls .... blah, blah, blah, blah. :-)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Still going!

Hi all. 40 weeks today and still pregnant. I'm exhausted but otherwise doing very well. We're super eager to meet this child, but it's not unusual for pregnancies to continue to 42 or even 43 weeks! (Oy vey!) I'll post an update Tuesday. :-) Nighty night!

Week 40 Developments

Baby's Age: 38 Weeks
Baby's Legnth: 19-21 inches*
Baby's Weight: 6 ¾ to 10 pounds*

*If Tater is a boy, then he is most likely on the larger side of these ranges, because on average boys are bigger than girls.

Baby’s bones have become hard, with the exception of his/her skull. The bones in the skull need to remain soft and pliable for delivery so that they can overlap as they pass through the birth canal. Because a newborn’s skull is designed this way, baby’s head may have a cone appearance for the first several days of life. (I guess that's why they say c-section babies have prettier heads. LOL) The baby will actually have two soft spots, or fontanelles, on their head which allow for an easier delivery. The front fontanelle will become hard between the eighth and fifteenth month of life. The back fontanelle becomes hard between the third and fourth month.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The waiting game

OK, the baby must have heard me say that I can wait for his/her arrival. J, Tater and I went to the doctor today and there is no sign that the s/he is coming by Saturday, the original due date. The funny thing is that the doctor is going on vacation for a week starting Monday, and we may even be able to hold out until she returns!

In the meantime we've got an ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday and another test scheduled for next Thursday, just to make sure that everything is A-OK. We're even on the books for an appointment on the 21st! I am really thankful that Dr. C is willing to hold out until 42 weeks because I am really trying to avoid induction. The idea of synthetic hormones to get things moving is not one that settles well with me. (Plus, I've heard it is quite intense!) I'd really like to give the baby the opportunity to do his/her thing, even if it means waiting until March 25. Also, it seems that c-sections occur more often after first-time moms are induced, and that is something that I really don't want.

But, enough about what I don't want! I know that the most important thing is that the baby is healthy, so I need to be less rigid about my wants and just trust that God has this all planned out. Thankfully, everything is good health-wise with the baby and with me. That makes it much easier to wait and feel like we have the freedom to be flexible. I pray that this span of well-being continues.

Having said all of that, I'm starting to feel like I'll be pregnant forever. Right now, it's really hard to imagine being any other way. I know that eventually this baby will come, insha'Allah. But, the day seems so far. My mom points out that that could be because I have been couting down to Saturday since September. Perhaps. But, it also means I'm going to have to wait even longer to know if this baby is a boy or a girl. I don't remember signing up for extra weeks of suspense!

So, yeah. Still pregnant. Unless something drastic happens soon, I'll be here -- still blogging.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I changed my mind

I think I'm going to miss being pregnant. I'm no longer in a hurry to get this baby out. Pregnancy is such an amazing time for bonding -- such an intimate, undescribable experience. I'm not sure I'm ready to move on to the next phase just yet! Besides, every parent marvels about how quickly kids grow up -- one day they're born, the next they're off to college. So, no rush, kid. Take your time. I'm going to savor these last few days and do my best to take care of us both while we figure out how to pay your tuition! Ha ha!

Week 39 Developments

Baby's Age: 37 Weeks
Baby's Weight: 6.5-8 pounds
Baby's Length: 18-20.5 inches

Tater is continuing to grow and working on the layer of fat underneath his/her skin. This is an important part of baby'’s ability to regulate his/her body temperature once they are born. Baby is also beginning to form new skin cells which will replace older skin cells. At this point, your baby is ready for life outside of the womb. He or she actively practices sucking and breathing reflexes.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Still pregnant

I went to the doctor yesterday and, yes, I am still pregnant. Part of me was hoping that they'd send me directly to Women's Hospital. :-) But, I don't even seem close! Baby and I had a long talk yesterday morning before our appointment and I really thought we had an understanding, but I guess not. It's funny ... who do I think I am believing that I'll go early with my first baby? Everyone always talks about how first-time moms are typically late ... so it could be a minute. Gahhhhhh!

It's starting to look and feel like Spring around here. Some of the trees have pretty little white and pink blossoms and the temperature has been comfortable in the 70s. No rain and a nice breeze that floats through our open windows. Seems like a great time to bring a baby home, doesn't it?!

(By the way, my rib doesn't feel broken anymore. Hooray!)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

OK, it's March

I really never thought I'd reach the point where I would be saying, "I'm soooo ready." But, truthfully, I am. I mean, you're never fully prepared for something like childbirth and parenting, right? So, we might as well get this show on the road! I know throughout this blog, I've been inconsistent and infrequent with my posts, but now I must feel like if I blog every other day, the baby will come sooner. LOL

First, I am too eager to meet this little child who has been residing within me. I'm ready to identify him or her by name and not "It." Plus, a little Gap package that J ordered arrived last week and I am not allowed to open since it would give away the secret of Tater's gender. Then another truth-telling package arrived today. I know it was my decision not to find out, but it's taking a lot of strength not to cave and rip the packages open!

Second, the poor kid seems to be running out of room and I know I am running out of space for him or her. I feel little stretches as if Tater is trying to break out but then just gives up. :-( Also, if either of us grow much more, I'm going to have to wear J's shirts. The few that I can still wear don't seem to have much more room to give.

Third, I'm getting a little stir-crazy. OK, there is a pile of dishes that I could tend to, but aside from that I'm a little bored. I'm sure there are things that I could do, but I don't really want to. I've washed, fluffed and folded all of the baby clothes and blankies and all of the baby's things have been organized and re-organized. all we need is the baby. LOL. Besides, because of my ginormous stomach, it hurts my back to do dishes these days. :-)

Fourth, things -- like sleeping, walking, yoga -- are getting hard. I struggled though yoga today. It's really hard to make the "mind/body" connection when the body doesn't want to cooperate. (The next frame after this picture, I ungracefully teeter to the left -- still biting my lip. LOL) And I'm really looking forward to getting good, comfortable sleep, even if it is only for one or two hours at a time.

That's enough rambling for one day, I suppose. I know I'm singing a totally different tune than before. Maybe after tomorrow's doctor's appointment, it'll be something else entirely.

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Baby is breaking me!

So, J informed me that my last post seemed rather liberal. I fancy myself a moderate, but what can I say? I'm a concerned parent now and our president and all of the people working for him scare me. It's not like I have a solution or that I even think John Kerry would have been so much better -- I don't. I just feel at a loss and I don't really see much to be hopeful for from either side of the aisle right now.

Anyway, I've just been gushing about how wonderfully "easy" this pregnancy has been. I've had few problems and life has just been dandy. :-) Of course, this is because I've been ridiculously blessed -- and not because I deserve to be. Also, I can't ignore my hubby's patience with me and the fact that, while I stay home or roam the streets everyday, he goes to work and does most of the chores when he gets home. Don't get me wrong, I've done a bit here and there and I've had a few urges to "nest," but J has really been carrying the load around here. This is especially true lately as I seem to be drifting around it a trance, only half awake. I just couldn't let another post go by without acknowledging that. I am so thankful for this time of peace that I've had to bond with little Tater and for J's complete support.

I guess after weeks and weeks of relative ease, I was bound to be faced with a little discomfort eventually. A few weeks back, I was complaining from some tailbone pain. It was aggravated by a pair of uncomfortable round-trip plane trips in December and January. But, it just took some walking, exercise and creative sitting, and it subsided. Now it's my rib. All I can say is ow, ow, ow, owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I guess my belly is tired of growing outward and now it's decided to grow upward. The only problem is that -- as I've mentioned several times before -- I'm only 5' tall!!! So, the baby, even as s/he is dropping downward, is in my ribcage and it hurts! Bending, twisting, sleeping and, especially, sneezing hurt so much now. I don't know what to do! I just keep trying to push the baby down a little so it's a bit more bearable. Gah!!!

It may seem selfish to say, but I really am ready to have my body back. I want this little munchkin to get as much nourishment as s/he needs, but I can't say that I want to stay like this forever. So, Tater, if your listening, we won't rush you, but please, please make your move!

Here's what's up for Week 38:

Baby's Age: 36 Weeks
Baby's Weight: 6 ¼ to 7 ½ pounds
Baby's Length: 17-20 inches

Other developments

The baby's growth has slowed down a great deal with the exception of fat production. Because of space limitations, the baby's arms and legs are bent and held close to the body. The vast majority of his/her organs are mature and fully functioning. The only exceptions are his/her brain and lungs. These two organs are at a point that they will function outside of the womb, but will also continue to mature during childhood. At this point the circumference of the baby's head is close to the circumference of the shoulders and hips.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Not to get all political, but ...

Over the last several months, I've been pretty focused on being pregnant -- eating right, exercising (or at least making intentions to do so!), resting, staying relaxed, etc. I finally bought the book "What to Expect the First Year" a few weeks ago as I've been trying to prepare for what life will be like once this comparatively short time of pregnancy is over. There are the issues of feeding, diapers, crying and sleeping, among other things.

But, J gave me a birthday card last week that reminded me, in an odd way, that the responsibility of parenting goes far beyond the bare necessities. The card has a goofy cut-out picture of George W. Bush and reads:

You're not getting older ...
You're getting more distinguishabler.
Happy Birthday

...and more wiserer.
(on the back)

While I, of course, thought the card was hilarious as I am constantly enjoying jokes about our president's intelligence, or apparent lack thereof. But, it really made me think in a more serious way about what kind of world we are bringing this child into. After the laughter fades about W's silly grammar and annoying bravado, we face the sobering reality that many of the decisions he is making (or should I say that Cheney & Co. are making) may have a very negative impact on the lives of our children.

This administration has been dubbed the most secretive in history, we're approaching year three in the Iraq war, and it seems that there are endless efforts to curtail civil liberties. Not to mention the negative attitude with which this administration seems to view the environment, the declining interest in international issues (unless it means finger-pointing or name-calling), the rising cost of healthcare, and the mounting federal deficit that Tater and his/her friends and children will likely be paying for.

It just all makes me wonder what kind of world we're bringing this baby into and what kind of world we will leave for him/her. I know it's not WWIII, but it's far from ideal.

I'm about halfway through Orwell's 1984 right now, and with each page I am astonished at the similarities between Oceania's paranoid and controlling Party and W's crew. I can only hope that Orwell envisioned a happy ending -- maybe there's hope after all. :-p (Don't tell me; I need to finish this book!)

Perhaps our parents and our parents' parents were just as afraid when they were raising children. In any case, the deed is done. I guess the best thing we can do at this point is pray, vote, and try to inform/educate our offspring the best that we can.

Meanwhile, it looks like a little baby bomb has exploded in our house. We're trying to be organized, but the collection of onesies, little socks and baby gear seems to have taken on a life of its own! Several times during this pregnancy, I've thought about how much safer the baby would be -- physically and socially -- if Tater could just stay in his/her comfy little home. But, that feeling is withering away as the eagerness to meet this baby is taking over!!

Week 37 developments:

Baby's Age: 35 Weeks
Baby's Weight: 6 to 7 pounds
Baby's Length: 16 ½ to 19 ½ inches

By this time, the baby has developed a very firm grasp. The baby now automatically turns toward a source of light and its body is fuller and rounder as the body fat continues to rise. It's getting pretty cramped in the womb; when the baby turns we can often see the arms and legs pressing up against my belly.

Even though Tater is considered full term, it is still better in most situations for the baby to remain in the womb until s/he signals that it's time to come out.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Let's get crackin'!

I can honestly say that this pregnancy has been relatively easy on me. I have a supportive family -- even if from afar -- and a wonderful and loving husband who, together, have made this process a pleasant one. There've been a few aches and pains here and there, a mood swing or two (or 10! ask J & Miss A!). But, all in all, I can say that I've been blessed to really enjoy this time and I know I'll look back on it fondly.

Having said that, however, there are a few things that I'm eagerly anticipating once this baby is born. I am by no means complaining, but I'm looking forward to:

1. Being able to breathe like a normal person! Ever seen a diagram of a woman's body during the last stages of pregnancy? Basically, the baby made room for itself, pushing my organs out of the way ... any way it could. That means, on my 5' frame, my lungs feel like they've been shoved up into my neck, leaving me with very limited breathing capacity. Now that the baby has scooted down a bit, it's a little better -- or it would be if I didn't have these pregnancy-induced sniffles!

2. Not having to paste a fake grin on my face every time someone says I look like I'm about to pop. Like I just mentioned, I'm only 5' tall. Where else is this baby suppposed to go? My doctor, noting my frame, actually prepared me for these comments very early on, but it still catches me off guard every time. Sure, I can almost fit into a men's size 40 pant, but come on! The baby needs room to grow!

3. Being able to turn over in my sleep without fully waking up. I have a pretty hard time sleeping more than 1 or 2 hours at a time as it is. (Perhaps I'm getting prepped for those all-nighters) But, in order to switch from my left side to right side, I almost have to start rolling onto my back, grab J's arm or the edge of the bed and pull the rest of my body -- along with several pillows -- over! And forget trying to go over my stomach!

This coming Saturday marks 37 weeks, which is officially considered "full-term," so I feel a little more comfortable looking ahead to the post-pregnancy days. I just pray that these last few days or weeks go by as smoothly as the first 36 weeks. Ditto for the labor and delivery. :-) Most of all, I pray that this baby stays healthy and experiences no complications during or after birth.

Last week the doctor was basically like, "Hey! Let's get this show on the road." So, while I wasn't ready to go into labor last week, I get the feeling that she's not going to do anything to stop it if it happens today. I have appointment this morning, so we'll see where we are.

This past Sunday and last Saturday, we took tours of the labor and delivery area and the baby nursery at the hospital where I supposed to deliver. It was amazing to see the babies "fresh out" and to imagine that this little kid (poking it's limbs and other body parts through my skin in alien-like fashion) would actually look like a little baby if it were to be born right now! SubhanAllah! As we're getting mentally prepared, it's starting to look like a baby is arriving around our place. The crib is up, the stroller/car seat system is assembled and there are miscellaneous baby items overflowing out of an unorganized box. So, we're getting there!

Here's the latest from last week and this week:

Baby's Age (this week): 34 weeks
Baby's Weight: 5 ¾ to 6 ¾ pounds
Baby's Length: Between 16" and 19"

Week 35
The baby's arms and legs are growing and getting longer. A baby delivered at 8 months will lose weight because it has not fully developed its digestive system. It has, however, stored fat in the event of an early birth to survive the ordeal. By weeks 36-40 your lungs capture 15-20% more oxygen. His/her kidneys are completely developed, and the liver is beginning to process waste. Because baby has grown so much, he/she will no longer be performing an aerobic workout. There just is not enough room for somersaults. However, this does not mean I don't feel baby move. His/her kickboxing routine should stay the same. (And I think it has!)

Week 36
The fine downy hair, lanugo, that has covered you baby’s skin is beginning to disappear along with the vernix caseosa. Vernix caseosa is the thick creamy substance that has protected your baby’s skin while he/she has been submerged in amniotic fluid. Limbs are dimpling at the elbows and knees as fat deposits continue. The baby's gums are rigid and it may seem like teeth are about to come out. The baby's body fat has likely increased to about 8% and may reach as high as 15% by the end of your term.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Quick hit

There is definitely a lot to say, but time has been short lately. I just wanted to make sure I posted this week's developments before Saturday, which becomes Week 35. :-D I promise to try to post a "real" entry soon.

Baby and I are doing well, as are Daddy and Big Sister. Thanks for the continued well wishes and thoughtfulness. We appreciate you!

Week 34 Developments

Baby's Age: 32 Weeks
Baby's Weight: About 5 lbs.
Baby's Length: 12.75" (head to rump), 19.75" (head to toes)

From this point on little Tater has the level of development necessary to survive outside the womb (Wow!!!) . The baby's eyes are opening and closing in conjunction with its activity and resting periods. The eyes are nearly fully developed but will require a few weeks exposure to light to complete the pigmentation process. The baby is developing its own immune system to fight mild infections. The baby's fingernails will reach the end of the finger tips this week.

Friday, January 20, 2006

A million thank yous

Tater and I have arrived home to North Carolina safely after a wonderful time in California. It was great to see so many family members and friends, and I had so much fun at the showers.

(For the backstory on Tater's name, see the Dec. 20 post, about 4 paragraphs down. (-: )

Last Sunday, my family showed so much love at the shower in Stockton. It was so surreal to be around everyone who remembered my mom when she was pregnant with me! It was the first time that I'd been around family members from both of my parents' sides for a long time -- perhaps it hasn't happened since I was little Tater's age. :-) Having that opportunity meant so much to me, and it made me realize, once again, exactly how far away we are from everyone. I can't explain how special it made me feel, and I just wish that J and Miss A could have been there to share in the fun. Thank you Momma, Daddy and T!

On Monday, I experienced a very fun surprise. Thinking we were just going for a "light dinner," I headed to my Uncle David's with my mom and sister. But what I thought would be a relatively empty house was filled with people from my childhood. Naturally, a lot of things have changed since my dancing days in '94, but being there was such a familiar feeling -- and it was nice to catch up with old friends. And again, a surreal feeling overcame me as stories were retold about my days in utero and growing up. It is so nice to have such a wonderful extended family and I really hope that we can make the trek back to California often enough so that Tater can meet and know everyone, too! Thank you Uncle David and Eric!

As you can see from the picture above and in the
online albums, the family's love was felt through more than their presence alone. We were overwhelmed with thoughtfulness and generosity, and now baby Tater is off to a smashing start! It has been so much fun sifting through all of the adorable baby stuff -- and it just makes the idea of a real baby arriving soon hit home. We can't thank you enough for your emotional and material support!! (By the way, if you've got more pictures, I'll be happy to add them to the album. Some of you in Stockton managed to evade the camera and some pictures from Fresno were quite out of focus.)

We sort of missed Week 32, so here are updates for last week and this week:

Baby's Age (this week): 31 Weeks
Baby's Weight: About 4.5 lbs
Baby's Length: 12" head to rump; 19.5" head to toes

Week 32:

The baby is now able to register information from all five of its senses, but certain senses, like smell, will not be used until outside of the womb when air is breathed. The baby's brain has also increased dramatically in size but is folding in on itself now as part of the development process. The baby's pupils are opening and closing now in response to the amount of light. The baby's toenails will be completely formed by the end of this week.

Week 33:

The baby continues to grow at an amazing rate of development. The baby may be sucking its fingers and thumbs, preparing for the process of breast feeding. Baby is making its greatest demands for protein and fat in the later stages of pregnancy so your nutrition is, as always, very important to your pregnancy and the baby.

Can you believe it? Only 49 days until March 11!!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tater goes to Cali

Baby Tater and I made it safely to California yesterday. We're visiting Baby's Lola, Grandpa R and Auntie T, along with other relatives that I can't wait to see! It's nice to be "home," but that was one lonnnnnng flight! I don't think little Tater likes taking off and landing too much; maybe it's the change in pressure, but this little one seemed quite agitated! I'll be sure to post again soon.

OK, gotta run. Here are Tater's developments for Week 31:

Baby's Age: 29 Weeks
Baby's Weight: About 3.5 lbs
Baby's Length: 11.75" head to rump; 18" head to toes

The baby's growth in height and weight will begin to slow from here on out (but the baby will still gain 2 pounds this month). The baby's brain is still growing rapidly, making connections and learning complicated functions it will need for the rest of its life. The baby may have a callous on its thumb from sucking on it. Unless there is a problem with the placenta, the baby's blood is its own and does not mix with mine.

Eid Mubarak everyone!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Down the home stretch (w/ a little performance anxiety)

At Week 30, I’m officially rounding third with my eyes set on home plate. Base Coach J is furiously winding his arm, urging me to keep going – slide, dive if I have to. After all, what choice do I really have? This baby can’t stay inside of me forever!

It’s hard to believe that we are three-fourths of the way there, give or take a couple of weeks, but each day it becomes a little more real. I just saw pictures of two babies with whose moms I attended yoga and water fitness just a few months ago. The little boy and girl have already grown so quickly, it’s frightening! And today, J and I go to “meet and greet” Contestant #2 (of 3) in the pediatrician hunt. It is so surreal to be sitting there asking a doctor questions in preparation for a little person that we’ve never even seen! I’ve shelved many of the pregnancy resources I’ve relied on, trading them in for What to Expect the First Year (though I’m sure I’ll need to revisit those initial books regarding labor and delivery!). Our bedroom has even been rearranged to make room for a crib and other miscellaneous baby stuff that we’ve been eyeing. I am so eager to meet this little one – to know what its personality will be like, to see his/her little face, to count those little fingers and toes, and to know whether s/he really plans to be up every night at 2 a.m. (since that is currently one of the baby’s most active times in utero).

Speaking of this kid’s personality, I am going to crack up if s/he turns out to be on the shy side. When we’re home alone, I can elicit responses from the baby when I talk to him/her, play a little jazz or read a book out loud (Our favorite right now is Oh, Baby, the Places You Will Go. I highly recommend it! We may add Hop on Pop to the repertoire this week.). During these times and in times of quiet, I can literally sit back and “watch the show” through the rough jerks and gentle ripples on my belly. But as soon as I call for J’s or Miss A’s attention to feel or watch with me, the baby stops, like s/he knows someone is watching. It is almost without fail! And for New Year’s Eve, Azizah and Khalid were visiting for the weekend. The baby must have heard the unfamiliar voices and retreated with a little stage fright because s/he was more still than s/he’s ever been since I started feeling little twitches back in October. But the minute I returned to the quiet of the bedroom, the action resumed. The baby did seem to join in the countdown fun though – perhaps it was the sparkling red grape juice – but it was short-lived.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with being shy, as long as it doesn’t keep you from functioning in life. But I can’t relate; I just don’t know how to urge someone to come out of his/her shell if she doesn’t want to. This baby’s parents aren’t shy and his/her big sister certainly isn’t! The only experience I have to work from is that of the baby’s Auntie T. She was the one who you’d secretly watch singing and dancing in her room, only to have the curtain drop the moment she realized you were there. She hid under the table when “Happy Birthday” was sung in her honor and she used our mom’s leg as a shield to hide from strangers and friends alike. Though I always thought her behavior to be funny, out of place in our family and a little on the odd side, I can’t say that there was anything wrong with it (Not in those respects anyway. Ask me another day about the ice cream cone incident! Ha!) It was just a part of her very broad personality, and if you ask me, she functions quite well in social settings.

But all of this talk is a little premature, I’m sure. We have no idea what this child will be like. Considering the great ultrasound shots we got at 13 and 20 weeks, we could have a little ham on our hands. S/he could be a little chatterbox like his/her parents and big sister. Or the baby could have an unimaginably unique set of traits. We just can’t call it yet. But, what I can say is that no matter what – despite possible middle-of-the night feedings or ridiculously rough bladder kicks or blows to the rib cage or temper tantrums or whether this baby is physically and/or mentally healthy or ill – we will do our best to love him/her unconditionally and support him/her to be the best person s/he can be. I know that not everyday will be easy, but this baby represents our belief in a better tomorrow and a better world, and as parents we are going to have to stay on top of each other to make sure we remember that and nurture our child – even when we are super frustrated and functioning on a combined 0-2 hours of sleep. I am grateful for this little source of hope and I just pray that I can step up to the plate and do what I have to do!

On another note, baby and I are making our first trip “home” to California next week. Aside from the long plane trip, I can’t wait. I’ll be sure to post pictures of the baby “meeting” his/her relatives for the first time. After we return home, I’m on doctor’s orders to stay off of airplanes, so this is our last big hurrah before the big day.

Week 30 developments

Baby's Age: 28 weeks
Baby's length: 10.75 inches, head to rump; 17 inches, head to toe
Weight: 3 lbs

Other developments: The baby's brain is taking a wrinkled look because of the rapid growth. Red blood cell production is now entirely the result of bone marrow. The grooves and indentations of a developed brain are called convolutions. The baby will put on more than a pound of weight this month. The baby's length is about the same as a loaf of bread.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

Quick note about comments

Hi, everyone. So, I'm a dork and didn't realize I had the "moderate comments" option turned on. So, all of the nice comments from Nov. 21 and on were getting filed on the blog and remained unpublished until just now because I just didn't know they were there. My bad. It's fixed. :-) Comment moderation is turned off! Thanks for visiting and sharing your thoughts.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Let the countdown begin!

There are only 73 days left until the due date, March 11. In "Rent" speak, that's roughly 105,120 minutes. *Sings* "How do you measure a, measure a ..." um, nevermind. Any way you measure the time left in this pregnancy, it is ticking away quickly and the realization that there will be a baby here soon, God willing, is exciting, yet unsettling.

Getting to this point has been quite the journey -- 2005 has been quite a journey. I can't reflect on this year without thinking about how great it would be to have my Lola here imparting all of her wisdom from her days as a nurse in Labor & Delivery. I can almost feel her warm smile and she pats my belly and beams with pride. I wish I remembered more of what she did when my brother and sister came home from the hospital. I do remember her singing a melody that went sort of like this, "ding, da-ding, da-ding, da-ding," while she gently rocked them, but that's about it. I was only 5 and 7 ... I guess it would be a stretch to try to recall every detail. I didn't think much about parenthood before she died in March, so I didn't really get to ask her all of the questions I have now. Although I didn't really experience morning sickness (Thank God!), I treasure this little piece of photocopied paper that my mom sent me this summer. It is a typewritten brochure titled "When You Have Morning Sickness or Nausea" from the hospital where my grandmother worked that looks like it must be from the 70s or early 80s. Apparently it had been taped to the inside of her kitchen cabinet for years, and it was just overlooked until my mom found it this summer. I have no clue why she had hung on to it for so many years. I hope I can come across a lot more little tokens from time as a nurse and a mother.

As we count down to 2006, I also think a lot about my dear friend, Britt. Often I imagine her laugh and her voice repeating over and over "I can't believe you're having a baby," similar to how she was in disbelief for three years (during almost every phone conversation!) that I was actually married. Growing up, you reluctantly accept the fact that there are going to be milestones that your elderly grandparents -- and eventually, your parents -- might miss. But you never imagine that the people you grow up -- siblings, cousins, friends -- with won't live long enough to experience them with you. Britt always promised to be the fun "aunt" who loaded the kids up with candy, and probably much more, and I always joked that the kids' unsupervised time with her would be very limited! I did look forward to the days when my children would spend time with their declared "best friends" and they could see first-hand that those experiences could last through adulthood and old age. I hope that my stories and pictures will be enough to teach them that.

It has been quite a year for us -- a new job for J and a new job status for me (unemployed. lol), an interstate move, losses in the family, a new car, a baby on the way, and Miss A's move here. As the new year approaches, it's exciting to think of what the year could bring -- what it will be like to have a real, live baby around, how s/he will affect our family, and all of the things we can't even imagine!

As you celebrate the new start with your loved ones, we wish you Peace and Health in 2006 and for many years to come!

Week 29 Developments
  • Age of Fetus: 27 weeks
  • Baby's Size (head to rump) this week: 10.5 inches
  • 16.75 inches (head to toes)
  • Weight: 2.75 lbs
Baby's brain is developing well and can now direct the rhythmic breathing necessary for oxygen and body temperature. The baby is also building up more fat under the layer of skin causing its appearance to be less wrinkled. The baby becomes more capable of surviving outside the womb every day now. The baby is more sensitive now to light, sound, taste and smell. The baby's eyes can now move in their sockets. Right now the baby's size is about the length of a football, which, by the way, is on my list of banned sports for baby!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Letter to Baby

Dear Tater,

You and I visited Dr. Cousins today, and everything seems to be well with us. Your heartbeat was a perfect 143 beats per minute. We're measuring a little bigger than expected, so my hunch that you're coming early may turn out to be true! We'll have to see what she says at our next appointment. Even though your arrival would only be about two weeks earlier, I'm not quite sure I'm ready for you just yet. I haven't even started nesting yet and I think I have a few more maternal instincts to pick up before you get here. I know we'll never be 100% ready, but there is still some work to be done. We don't even have a place for you to sleep! Take your time; enjoy your stay.

On the other hand, I think it'd be better for you to be early than to be too big. Your Mommy is not a big person and I don't think it'd be too much fun for either of us if you are oversized. That said, I'll do my best to keep our diet in check.

You're turning out to be a pretty funny little baby. It seems that you like to play games. Sometimes when your Daddy squeezes your little home, you kick or punch back. In addition to the flips you seem to enjoy, it sometimes feels like you are spinning as if you were on a swivel chair. Your Lola says that is because your Mommy used to be a hyper little girl who did cartwheels in grocery store aisles. I pray that you have more sense than that! You also really respond to noise and temperature. Sometimes if you're feeling really playful, you move around a lot when my tummy is covered with a warm sweater and you come to a complete stop when it is exposed. You and I can carry on like this -- open, close, open, close -- for quite some time. I'm really sorry if it bothers you; it is just so much fun! You also really enjoy food; after we eat something yummy, you do a little "food dance" that feels as if it looks like the one your big sister does when she eats something she likes.

About your name ... your Daddy seems to think it's fitting. He says it's short for "Potato," and one day you'll be a "Tater Tot." I must admit that I was not really excited about the nickname at first -- in fact, I sort of hated it -- but it seems to have stuck. I hope you're not scarred for life because of it. I promise we will put more thought into your legal name. :-)

There is a lot going on right now with your development. The amount of your brain tissue is increasing and what was a smooth surface of the brain is now more characteristic of the grooves and indentations of a developed brain. Your hair on your head is growing longer and you may even have eyebrows and eyelashes. Your lungs are now capable of breathing air, but let's all pray that they won't need to for a couple more months!!

The books and Web sites all say you are still lean but starting to get chubbier. You're about 15.75" from head to toe and your weight should be about 2.5 lbs.

Well, that's all for now. I know a lot of this is gibberish, but I promise I will talk you through it all when you are older.

Love always,

Monday, December 12, 2005

'Baby needs a gender'

Ever heard of the wacky dreams pregnant women have? Sometimes they're blamed on the increased hormones and irregular sleep patterns. I suppose it's just the subconscious freaking out about -- um, I mean getting ready for -- the baby's arrival. My brain has definitely been working overtime while I'm trying get in a few uninterrupted hours of sleep (a difficult task these days), and some of the visions are quite strange.

The other night I was physically INSIDE of this blog (think Dave Chapelle's visit to the World Wide Web, but more innocent) announcing to everyone who would listen, "My baby needs a gender. My baby needs a gender!!!"

"Your baby has a gender," a voice said. "Your baby needs a name!"

Earlier that day I'd been talking to my mom about how we call this baby "It." She was a little annoyed that she was "Its Lola" instead of "His Lola" or "Her Lola." Needless to say, she is dying to know if it's a boy or a girl. I responded, "Well, "I'm Its Mommy." Great comeback, huh?

It was then that I really started to doubt my decision to wait to find out this baby's gender. Am I doing my child an injustice by not identifying it properly? Is s/he going to have some kind of complex as the elementary school years approach? This is me going into paranoid mode! I almost caved on several occasions, begging J to tell me, only to quickly retract my request. He said that if I slept on it and still wanted to know, he'd point me in the direction of the envelope that holds the secret.

It made me wonder why I am so obsessed with staying ignorant. Babies are a big deal regardless of their gender. I'm sure I would be equally excited on the birthday even if I knew if this child is a girl or a boy. And knowing certainly could make a lot of things -- particularly shopping and name selection -- a little easier. But, for some reason, I want that extra element of surprise.

Maybe the best we can do for now is give this baby a nickname. It won't really keep us from calling it "It" or "S/he." But at least s/he would have a more endearing name than "Baby." It's got to be something androgynous and something cute. I know everyone wants in on the big name game, but maybe we can do a practice run with the nickname game. Any suggestions?

Along these lines, J had a brilliant idea. Since everyone wants to know or thinks they know the gender, he said he'd conduct an auction. The highest bidder gets in on the secret. Any takers? Bidding starts at ... OK, just kidding.

Week 27 developments*

Around this time the baby begins opening and closing its eyes which were fused shut for much of the pregnancy.

Other changes that are happening:

  • The baby's lungs are growing rapidly.
  • The baby's brain wave patterns are similar to a newborn at birth.
  • I should feel at least ten kicks within a two hour period (umm, try ten kicks w/in 1 minute! this baby is a nut!).

Baby's Size (head to rump) this week: 9.7 inches
15.25 inches (head to toes)
<>Weight: a little more than 2 lbs


Wednesday, December 07, 2005


So, my quest for perfection, as mentioned in the 11/5 post, is not going so well. :-) I haven't posted here in ages! I'm working on it; simple proficiency will just not do. The scary thing is, I only have about 94 days to get it together before the baby is expected to arrive!!

The baby is growing, as is its mommy. I am as big as a house! But, as my own mom points out, I am a house -- I am housing a little baby. I haven't been to the doc since the last post, but it seems as if the baby is doing well. Every little kick, punch and tumble is like a big shout, "Hey Mama! I'm here!!!" It is quite cool. On Sunday, the little one was so active for the entire day. It really seemed as if there was a party goin' on in there. S/he once kicked so hard that Jeremiah asked if it hurt. Thankfully, it doesn't -- unless the baby decides to use my bladder as a moonwalk. *bounce, bounce* That is not cool! After baby's busy day Sunday, s/he must have been pooped, because Monday was a very lazy day.

There are some exciting developments going on right now. Baby's senses are really starting to come into their own. says that baby's brain wave activity begins for the visual and auditory systems, though it cannot yet comprehend just what it is sensing. Next weeek will be exciting as baby will beging to open his/her eyes! S/he is going to hate me with the flashlight!

Other changes that are happening*:

  • With the nostrils now open, the baby will now make breathing movements to prepare for taking in air at birth.
  • Your baby's lungs secrete surfactant to keep the lung tissue from sticking together.
  • At this point the baby has completed two-thirds of its stay in your womb.

Baby's Size (head to rump) About 9.25 inches
Weight: Approximately 2 lbs

More later!

Monday, November 21, 2005


I've been declared "huge." Thursday, during an afterschool homework session, Miss A was working on the long "u" sound -- clue, use, fuse, dude, etc. After matching a series of words to pictures, she was instructed to draw something "huge." I looked at her and asked what she would draw, and she responded, looking directly in my face, "you." It was the most serious response from the least serious 6-year-old I know. She must have sensed my slightly bruised ego -- or figured my round belly was too difficult to draw -- because she decided to draw a beach ball instead!

It's not as if I'm unaware of this round mass growing in front of me, and if I ever forget, I am quickly reminded with cute little nudges and kicks. It just sometimes comes as a shock to hear it put so bluntly! And this morning, I definitely tipped the scales at the doctor's office. My doc said the scale must have been off because the gain was uncharacteristic for me, but since I was her first patient of the day, she'd have to wait and see how everyone else weighed in. But, I feel like the scale was correct ... there was no need to sugarcoat it for me. :-)

The baby and I are doing well. The little heartbeat was recorded at 155 bpm and baby is measuring right on track. After next month's visit, we will be going every other week, then soon it'll be once a week. I can't believe how quickly time is passing!

Well, I'll probably regret this, but here are the pics of my belly at 15 weeks and on Saturday at 24 weeks.

Week 24 Developments*:

Baby's Age: 22 Weeks
Baby's Size: About 8 1/2", head to rump
Baby's Weight: About 1 1/2 lbs
Other changes: Baby's skin is very wrinkled right now but will smooth out when more fat is deposited and muscles further develop. The baby's skin is very transparent at this time, if you could see the baby you could see the bones and organs through the skin.

The site says I can can expect to gain about a pound per week this month as "both you and the baby grow!" OK, I guess I should get off to the gym today so I can justify indulging on Thursday. I am so excited about all of the yummy food, but I should keep in mind there are still 16 more weeks of pregnancy to go. No need to overdo it. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

*according to

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Perfection vs. Proficiency?

Well, the big sister has kept me quite busy and, thus, with little time for blogging. I can certainly say that her arrival has been nothing short of an adjustment -- for all of us, including the little baby. Whereas I used to sort of maneuver my way through yoga, water fitness, housekeeping, cooking, eating and sleeping with little-to-nothing to worry aobut, I now find time to fit in homework, hair-braiding, regimented meal times, bed time stories, etc. I'd like to think that I'm managing, though last week was a little rougher than the first. This week is off to a smashing start though!

The whole situation has made me a little OCD, and I've begun to plan and overplan almost every aspect of my life. Jeremiah insists that perfection is not really attainable, but I'm really going to try to prove him wrong. (OK, kidding) He likes to quote his favorite prof: "Practice begets proficiency" (not "perfection"). But I keep thinking that if I get a strict plan, with a detailed schedule outlining daily and long-term goals, then it will be easier when the baby arrives. Granted, I'm going to have to be flexible. But, it seems like it'd be better to have a plan and veer off of it a bit than to not have one at all and have a totally unorganized and wacky life. Am I being silly?

About the baby: S/he has definitely found my bladder, and all I can say is OUCH!!!!!!!!! It's the strangest feeling ever! This baby's activity has only increased and strengthened, so much so that I can see little movements around my belly that correspond with his/her kicks! Jeremiah even saw him/her move. S/he especially likes yoga class ... after an hour of stretches and movements in class, s/he wiggles, bounces and bumps incessantly during Savasana, the resting portion of the class. Just when I'm getting my snooze on, this little one reminds me who's boss. I love it!

And to answer everyone's burning question, the belly pics are forthcoming. I *have* been trying to avoid it, but it seems like we should be documenting this. My belly has grown more than 10"!! My doc says that since I'm so short, there's no where else for the baby to go but outward.Stay tuned. I'll post. :-p

Week 23 developments (sorry, we totally skipped week 22!)

Baby's Age: 21 weeks
Baby's Length: 8", head to rump
Other changes: The baby continues to grow and gain weight. The smallest bones in the human body are found in the middle ear (hammer, anvil, and stirrup) and are forming. This will make it possible for the baby to hear in the near future. A heat-producing fat (called brown fat) is helping to keep the baby warm. The baby's body is becoming more normally proportioned, though the head continues to look out of proportion.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

The Big Sister arrives

That's right! She's has arrived with all of her 6-year-old wittiness and she started school here on Tuesday. She is such a strong and happy-go-lucky little kid; considering how huge of a change this last week has brought, her transition seems to have been seamless. It's fun to have a little helper around; I know she is going to be a fantastic big sister! She has already chimed in with a few name suggestions, and last night, she was even reading to the baby and pretending to show him/her the pictures. Each night before bed and randomly throughout the day, she is sure to kiss my belly and dance with and talk to the baby.

Speaking of my belly, she can't get over how big it is! One of the first things she said when I saw her Saturday was, "It's so biiiiiig!" The next day, she got out her ruler and tried to measure the baby. And here's the kicker: yesterday, she described me to a woman in the complex as the "lady with the big stomach." Granted, I have rounded out nearly 8 extra inches, but I still like to think of my tummy as medium-sized! I have about 19 more weeks for it to become gigantic!

I've done away with a lot of the stats I used to post. Some of them have been rendered useless after we got real measurements last week. But, here are a few tidbits from the site:

Week 21 developments

Baby's legnth: About 7.25 inches (head to rump)
Other changes: The baby is getting stronger (yes s/he is!) and looking much like a tiny newborn with a natural formed mouth and lips, nose and closed eyelids. The baby's legs will be close to the final natural proportion to the body and head. The baby's heart can be detected by a standard stethoscope.

Right now the baby is about the size of a large banana. (Or so they say! Since this baby was 10 inches last week from head to foot, I'm thinking this is either one genetically modified banana or a massive plantano! It feels more like a watermelon.)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Half-way mark! (with pictures)

Hi all! Yesterday we got another sneak peak into our baby's little world. Using 2D technology, the sonographer first did a very thorough diagnostic of the baby's body. She checked out the limbs, bone structure and internal organs, talking us through everything that we saw. It was so reassuring to get a thumbs up on everything she inspected. We saw the heart -- all four chambers of it -- beating steadily at 148 bpm. The doctor and the sonographer both told us that the baby is growing well and that everything looked great. They even threw in the word "perfect" a few times, which is great for the egos of these parents-to-be! :-) Seriously though, we are so thankful for the baby's health and that all of the his/her parts are in order and we just pray that everything continues to progress accordingly during the remaining 20 weeks. In 2D, it was very evident that the baby still has a lot of fat to gain; the images made him/her look like a little skeleton! A cute skeleton, but a skeleton nonetheless!

The 4D imaging was a different story entirely! We got to see very detailed images of the baby wiggling around in real time! The printouts we got are basically stills of a very cool video, but they do no justice to what Jeremiah and I actually saw on the monitor. The image to the left is probably the clearest of the bunch. Although s/he looks to be resting in that shot, s/he actually appeared to be waving, saluting and smiling through much of the 4D ultrasound. In one waving shot, it is absolutely amazing at how defined all five fingers are! Jeremiah and I were just in awe as we examined the pictures, trying to determine whose nose that is! (I still say it's his. What do you think?) At one point, the sonographer almost let me in on the baby's little secret (his/her gender), but she has quick reflexes and was able to cut away before I recognized anything! (By the way, Jeremiah knows but is going to try to keep it quiet. Please don't try to squeeze it out of him! I'm sticking to my guns on this surprise.)

Another cool aspect of the ultrasound was being able to check out a pair of seemingly muscular baby legs! I now know why I usually feel little kicks in my lower abdomen -- the baby was floating straight up and down, with his/her head up above my navel, legs stretched out and his/her little (actually they seem quite large) feet dangling and kicking about 10 inches lower! All of this time I've been looking at the stats that give the baby's length from head to rump; I never realized how long the baby is from head to toe! It certainly explains why I am getting so round!

Week 20 Developments

I usually take these stats straight from, but this week I have my own from yesterday's ultrasound! The "fun facts" are still babyfit's.

Baby's Age: 18 weeks
Baby's Size (head to foot): 10 inches

Baby's Weight: 12 ounces

Other fun facts: The baby's eyebrows are now forming. The baby is sleeping and waking much like a newborn at this time. Permanent hair is now growing on the scalp, but even this hair will fall out the second week after birth and will be replaced by thicker hair. To aid in muscle development, the amniotic fluid is supporting the baby's movements. The baby is quite the little gymnast and is getting busy with twists, turns and forward summersaults!

The picture to the right is not as clear as the others (the baby was pretty wiggly), but I just love how the baby seems to be flashing a big smile. Also, s/he seems to really favor that right hand; it got in the way a few times while the tech was trying to look at his/her face. We may have a thumbsucker on our hands, folks!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Going bananas

I must start out with big congratulations to my yoga/water fitness classmate Catrina and her husband, Mark, who welcomed their new baby girl, Sophia, into the world on Wednesday! It's baby mania this month as another classmate is due this coming Wednesday. It is so exciting!

Thankfully, we still have quite a way to go (I'm still kind of afraid of labor and delivery)! On Saturday, we hit the halfway point -- week 20 -- then we have our big, diagnostic ultrasound on Wednesday. I can't wait to see this baby again! This is the ultrasound where many couples learn the gender of their baby, but I'm hoping our little one will be modest because I really want to be surprised when s/he is born. I've heard that we won't be able to tell without the tech telling us anyway. Here's hoping!

I'm kind of short on words this week, but I always like to include the weekly developments. I'll be sure to update after the ultrasound next week. I hope we'll have some great pictures to share!

Week 19 Developments

Baby's Age: 17 weeks
Baby's Size (head to rump): 5.25 to 6 inches
Baby's Weight: About 7 oz
Other fun facts: This week, the baby begins taking on more fat, which is very important for its ability to create and maintain heat and for metabolism. The baby's ears now stand out from the head. This week a temporary hair called lanugo will appear on the baby's body and head but disappear by birth. No one is sure of the purpose of this hair. Right now the baby is about the size of a small banana.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Comforting reminders

Last Tuesday, Jeremiah and I heard the most reassuring sound at the doctor's office: The sound of a herd of tiny horses galloping in my belly. That's what it sounded like anyway! It was actually the baby's heartbeat at a racing (and perfectly normal) 156 beats per minute! I want to get one of those little fetal Dopplers so we can hear the baby's heartbeat all of the time, but they're like a meeeelion dollars! That's at least a year's worth of disposable diapers, right?

In lieu of being able to hear the baby's pulse for now (I think there are affordable heart monitors for later in the pregnancy), this kid has decided to start kicking and squirming forcefully enough that I can now feel it! How's that for a constant and comforting reminder?! Usually while I'm eating -- or shortly thereafter -- the baby seems to be most rambunctious. Last week we had salsa meatloaf, and the baby seemed to especially like (or maybe hate!) the extra zing of the mild peppers and spices. It's so exciting and cute! I fear it won't be so adorable when I get that first swift kick in the bladder or ribs, but I'm holding out for the big payoff so I'll deal! :-)

Week 18 developments*:

Baby's age: 16 weeks
Baby's size (head to rump): About 5 to 5.5 inches
Baby's weight: Approximately 5.5 ounces
Other fun facts: Pads are forming on the baby's fingers and toes that will develop into characteristics of fingerprints and footprints. Fine hair is growing and covering the baby's head and body. The baby's legs are now longer than the arms.
Right now the baby is about the size of a can of soda.

*Thanks to for the stats.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

It's like butta baby

During these first months of pregnancy, I've really tried to stay level-headed when it comes to the term "eating for two." In my brain I know that it doesn't really mean to double your food intake, but rather just add a few extra calories. The intelligent part of me knows to make sure that I make every calorie count by ensuring I have enough of the right nutrients.

I'm frightened by the horror stories of women gaining 65, 70 or even 80 lbs during pregnancy. I'm sure it's possible for me too, but I just can't imagine where 80 extra pounds will go on my less-than-5-foot frame. Not to mention how difficult it will be to shed once the baby is here.

So I try to keep all of these rational thoughts in my head - I keep up with my yoga & water fitness, apples & water. But then there's the Food Network. Rachel Ray with her easy mac & cheese with chicken and broccoli, the mysteriously skinny Giada De Laurentiis with her savory Italian delights and Ina Garten with her "good" cream and fresh-picked herbs. Ahhh...they all make me feel like I, too, can be an accomplished chef. But the one who gets me in the most trouble is Paula Deen. Oh my gosh, I want to live in her kitchen!

Last week the Southern chef layered chunks of devil's food cake, chocolate pudding, whipped cream and pecans. That usually would be too much chocolate for me, but I was strangely drawn to her decadent parfait. I find myself almost drooling as she dumps stick after stick of butter into her potpie filling, honey glazed fried chicken and fudge cake. It seems as if someone let her in on a little secret that real butter was the latest craze in healthy eating.

Healthy or not, I have to agree with Ms. Deen. There are just some foods where margarine or Shedd's Spread just won't cut it. Think about it. It's autumn. That means sweet potato pie, pecan pie, real cornbread stuffing, mashed potatoes - all of which require the richness of real butter. And what better way to brown the Thanksgiving turkey? Olive oil? I think not! And I know when I get ready to make apple pie the way my dad showed me, I won't be reaching for the I Can't Believe It's Not Butter. Give me the good stuff!

Somehow the sane part of me has managed to stay in control as I've resisted the urge to make any of Paula Deen's (or any other butter-rich) recipes so far. But it is fall. With my ever-increasing appetite (Thanks Baby), I just don't know how I'm going to make it through this season.

On that note, I thought I could solicit some hearty autumn recipes. I'm looking for main dishes, sides, desserts, you name it! Bonus points for health-conscious dishes, but in the spirit of butter, anything goes! The comment space should be more than ample room for ingredients and instructions. Come on, I know there are some great chefs out there among us (You know who you are!). I can't wait to read what you've got!

Week 17 developments

Baby's Age: 15 weeks
Baby's Size (head to rump): About 4.5 to 4.75 inches
Weight: Approximately 3.5 ounces
Other fun facts: The baby's bones are hardening. If you were to take an x-ray, the skeleton would be visible. And by this week, the baby may suck its thumb.
Right now the baby is about the size of a stick of butter.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Let me start off by saying that Jeremiah is a terrible liar. I guess it is just not in him, and I guess I should be mighty thankful for that! But, I just have these love goggles on and I'll believe anything he says. :-P Nevertheless, my husband ROCKS!

After a wave of strange behavior and weirdly crafted cover-ups, Jeremiah managed to surprise me by flying my mom into town Tuesday night and I was none the wiser! The timing couldn't have been better. I was starting to feel a bit homesick (wherever home is these days) and I was feeling a case of I-miss-my-Mommy. It's hard to be experiencing all of these changes without my family close by.

She did her mommy thing while she was here, taking a million pictures of my belly, which has rounded out quite a few inches. She rubbed my temples when I had a killer hormone headache and she bought me a gigantic brownie just because! It was nice being a baby for a few days. I wish she didn't have to leave, but having her here definitely helped fill in the distance gap -- even if only for a short while.

Although Jeremiah has already been wonderful throughout this pregnancy, he just scored major bonus points with his latest feat!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Baby's First Picture!

Hi all!

At the request of a few friends, we've started a blog to keep all of our people - near and far - updated on the progress of this new little person. It is so hard to be away from everyone during this exciting time, but I hope this is just one tool that can help us keep in touch. Please use this space to comment, send messages and suggestions and communicate with each other. Simply click on the comment link below and type away. Don't forget to identify yourself. I hope to update this at least weekly, so check back often!

Below is an ultrasound picture from Sept. 6, 2005, at 13 weeks, 3 days. The baby was quite active, so we were fortunate to get a great shot!

Week 16 developments*:

Baby's Age: 14 Weeks
Baby's Size (head to rump) this week: About 4.3 to 4.7 inches
Weight: Approximately 2.75 ounces
Right now the baby would fill the size of an open palm and fingers

*Thanks to for the stats!

Sept. 6, 2005. Greensboro, NC